Tuesday, October 30, 2007

workplace :)

During my vacation in HK, i will be working at my cousin's office. it is situated in a new complex of sky scrappers. it is located in Ngau Tau Kok, which can be convienently reached by the MTR. there are 4 sky scrappers amongst Millenium City, i will be in #2 :) check it out! http://www.millenniumcity.hk/mmc/

since i'l be residing by the beach, it will take round about 1.5hours to travel to Kowloon Island in the morning, ahhh the love of traffic jams :D here's a brief map:

i'll need to travel from Stanley to Chai Wan by minivan, then take the MTR to Ngau Tao Kok. take the Millenium City exit and cross the air bridge which connected to Millenium City 2. ooosh what a mission! :

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