last night Miss Sixty has a function to launch a new brand "Killah". it was held at a club. for two days, i've been helping them pack gift boxes and press kits.
names mentioned below are my collegues
the event commences at 9pm. In the office i finalized everything before the delivery men picked up my boxes. then karen took me upstairs to find some Killah clothes for me to wear. she picked out a pair of jeans and a yellow which was a bit over yellow for me lol
i left the office together with my new found friends Gin and Celia. the girls treated me well and showed me some sights along the way:
we still had some time spare so we went to the nearest mall and got our dinner. i had a texas wrap:
er, we underestimated our timing and had great trouble catching a taxi to the club, so we arrived there about 40mins late...
the show started at 9.30 and was amazing. the DJ spinned some good mixes. it was crowded inside. i got a spot behind the press
they are "Twins", the company spent tens of thousands to have their appearance for one hour! imagine earing that much ...
OMG, and then as they were exiting the function, i was by the lift and i asked if we could take a picture :D
ah, my night was fully satisfied. i was still shaking afterwards wooooooooooooo :)))